Take a reasonable step, insure yourself
The General Liability Insurance covers the civic legal liability of the Insured client for damages due to death, bodily injury or health impairment and/or a damage to or destruction of the third party property. Our insurance proposal comprises various liability types in harmony with your needs.
Liability for clinical trials
If you are conducting clinical trials and wish to protect your property interest against reasonable third party claims that you are legally liable to indemnify, take out an insurance cover in time to protect yourself against liability for clinical trials.
Product liability insurance
The product liability insurance is necessary for all the goods manufacturing and trade entities with an interest to insure themselves against the liability for damages inflicted upon third parties. The conclusion of product liability insurance will let you approach the market with greater freedom and efficiency, preserve your goodwill with clients and prevent the unreasonable expenses.
Liability insurance against damages incurred during carriage of hazardous substances
This insurance is primarily intended for the entities who are legally required to take out the liability insurance policy against damages that may occur in transportation of hazardous substances.
Important questions
Why is this insurance important and specific?
The very concept of general liability is broad and the eventual damages that may be attributed to your liability – numerous. The scope of peril depends on the kind of business – whether it is catering, road maintenance, construction, education, healthcare or other, as well as on some other parameters.
By concluding the general liability insurance, you will be provided with legal and financial protection against both the consequences of well-founded and of the unfounded claims.
Which risks are covered under the general liability insurance?
The coverage applies to the liability for damages occurring from your business or activities and/or from the possession of objects and/or legal relation and/or a particular feature as a source of peril. This includes, for example, the liability from the use, possession, rental or usufruct of land, business facilities and premises, liability incurred in the use of facilities by your workers etc.
If specially agreed, the insurance shall cover the liability for damage due to theft and pure financial loss as well as the liability for damages due to pollution of land and water.
What is covered under the Clinical Trial Liability insurance?
This insurance covers the civic liability of the Insured against damages occurred due to death, bodily injury or health impairment caused by a medical product administered to or used by the respondent or otherwise as provided under the clinical trials protocol.
An insured occurrence is any event resulting in an unexpected or unintended reaction, accident or other incident, following the respondent’s exposure to conditions and methods defined under the clinical trials protocol.
What is covered under the Product Liability insurance?
This insurance covers a future, uncertain events beyond the sole will of the Insured arising from the faulty products, following which a third party could claim damages under your liability for the production and launching of such products.
What is covered under liability insurance against damages incurred during carriage of hazardous substances?
Coverage includes the liability of owner or holder of the rights of use of the goods that has features of hazardous goods against damages that may occur to third parties during the carriage of hazardous goods which result in death, bodily injury or health impairment, damage to property and items or environmental pollution.
Insurance protection is provided against adverse effects of an explosion, sudden expansion of harmful fumes, leakage of hazardous substances, damages to a transportation vehicle caused by external thermic or chemical effects and other unexpected or uncontrolled events causing the pollution.
What is the agreed insured value?
The insurance is concluded to the sum insured which represents the indemnity limit per any one occurrence. Sum insured is single sum for personal damages and property damage unless otherwise agreed. In addition to the sum insured per any one occurrence, there is the aggregate sum insured which represents the total liability of the Insurer for the insurance period and is subject to contracting.
The choice of an adequate sum insured is very important, bearing in mind that it generally represents the maximum possible amount of a third party claim.
What does the premium amount depend on?
The insurance premium amount depends on the selected cover limit, i.e. the sum insured per any one occurrence and in the aggregate, as well as on the source of peril, class of peril, income total and special contracting.
What is provided for by the liability insurance?
If a third party files a claim for compensation against you, we shall, as the Insurer take the following steps, together with you:
- undertake a defence against the unfounded and exaggerated claims for indemnity
- settle well founded claims and
- reimburse the legal expenses.
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